PROMO CODE: fasttrack
Promo Special Pricing: $25 Nationwide Package
Pricing Sheet
Social Security Number Verification
Provides a list of all known aliases, names assigned to social security number as well as when and where it was issued. The SSN provides a complete address history and available contact information as well.
Criminal Background and Sex Offender Checks
Search the multi-state criminal database including a 50 State Sex Offender search to screen potential tenants.
Tenant Score Card with Credit Score
A Tenant Score Card is completely customized to your preferences and provides a simple PASS or FAIL rating in addition to the applicant’s credit score and derogatory credit summary.
Eviction Reports
Searches municipality eviction records for the state to show any past eviction history and judgement amounts.
Print Service Application
Property Management or landlord Information
Standard Access (most popular/does not require onsite inspection) – view sample
Detailed credit report access (requires one time $60 onsite inspection fee – view sample
Background check only (no credit report access) – view sample